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You can call a librarian at 512-854-8677 or e-mail at between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The librarians can help you find information and forms on your topic. They can refer you to resources and legal databases available for your use.

Please remember that librarians are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice. The laws against unauthorized practice of law in Texas prohibit us from telling you what to do in your case, choosing the forms you need, or otherwise performing the duties of an attorney.

No attorney-client relationship or guarantee of confidentiality exists between patrons and any library staff.

Here is a list of things we can and cannot do for you.

We Can
  • Show you the forms and form books we have.
  • Review your form to make sure you filled it out completely.
  • Help you find books and resources that might help you with your case.
  • Give you general information about court rules, procedures and practices
  • Direct you to useful Internet sites containing information helpful to others in your situation
  • Show you how to use our computer legal research tools, including Lexis
  • Refer you to a reference attorney to help you fill out your forms in uncontested, family law cases.
  • Provide you with attorney-written information.
We Cannot
  • Tell you which forms to use.
  • Fill out your form for you or tell you what words to use.
  • Tell you what to do in your case.
  • Tell you whether you should bring your case to court or speculate as to what a judge might decide.
  • Do computer research for you or type your documents for you.
  • Interpret or explain cases and laws for you, or tell you how they apply to your case.
  • Provide attorneys to help you on a walk-in basis.
  • Analyze your case beyond our attorney-written information.
  • Give you legal advice.
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